Our Team
*note that this is not a complete list, these are only a few of our teachers
At Aurora Genesis, we cultivate excellence by assembling a team of unparalleled talent, each member handpicked for their exceptional expertise and visionary leadership in their respective fields.

My name is Juan. I am a University of Cambridge licensed ESL teacher. I specialize in teaching native Chinese speakers American English. Regarding my educational philosophy, I am not only a theoretician but also a practitioner. I have studied over ten languages, like Chinese, Greek, and French, and I speak four fluently. Depending on the student, I can help people to speak fluently in between six months and one year.
Tutor 导师

纽约聚声堂艺术学院院长,美中文化艺术促进联合会副主席,中国音乐家协会广东省分会会员,纽约聚声堂创始人。中国海南师范大学音乐学院本科毕业,曾任中国深圳工人文化宫培训中心艺术总监及钢琴、声乐老师,现任纽约聚声堂艺术学院院长及钢琴、声乐老师, 从事声乐、钢琴、电子琴教学二十多年,有非常丰富的音乐教育从教经验,曾连续担任6年《纽约法拉盛好声音总决赛》评委 成功举办六届纽约聚声堂《歌之缘》师生演唱会,学员达500多人,多次被纽约各媒体新闻报纸报道。2016年成功策划及主持世界华人网友会第一届卡拉OK比赛音乐总监及评委。2018年《全国中老年电视春节联欢晚会一美国选区总决赛》评 委。2019年全球精英才艺大赛总决赛评委,指导《聚声堂童声合唱团》在2019全球精英大赛演出,荣获美国林肯中心颁出杰出贡献奖。2019年4月參与《亞洲文化智慧合唱团》在纽约卡耐基音乐厅举行的音乐会担任独唱。2020年元旦,首创在布碌侖般若禅院大礼堂举办【新年音乐盛会】盛况空前。2021联袂纽约华人社团成功举办了【拥抱2021线上音乐会】让各界人士能在疫情期间共享了一场跨年的音乐盛宴。2021年2月10日与联合国网合集团合作,举办【中美云端春晚音乐会】,《纽约聚声堂艺术学院童声合唱团》与国内外知名艺术家同台演出。
Piano Teacher 钢琴老师

我叫卡莉,但我通常称呼她为 E 女士。我拥有英语学士学位和中等教育硕士学位。 我有十多年在各种环境中教授 K-12 的经验,包括面对面教学、虚拟教学和家庭学校教学。 我在州考试、SHSAT 和 SAT 以及英语和代数辅导方面拥有丰富的辅导经验。
My name is Carly, though I typically go by Ms. E. I have a BA in English and an MA in Secondary Education. I have had over a decade experience teaching k-12 in various settings, including in person, virtual, and as homeschool. I am experienced tutoring for state testing, SHSAT, and SAT, as well as for the English and Algebra regents.
Tutor 导师

Sandra Romero
我是一名幼儿教育工作者,一直在教学和教育许多不同年龄段的儿童,例如 K-12。 我还有近 19 年的家庭教学经验。 我的科目包括 ELA、数学、创意艺术、创意写作、社交技能和粗大运动技能。 除了在学校工作外,我还是一名私人导师,经常在家里工作。 今年,我在暑期学校任教了两个月,指导从幼儿园到五年级的学生。我还与另一位老师合作实施不同的数学技巧。 我今年接受的一个挑战是戏剧。 所有年级的许多学生都非常喜欢表演、绘画和表演他们选择的角色。 我拥有西班牙语学士学位,辅修幼儿教育。 目前,我在极光补习班的课外项目中任教。 您可以通过电子邮件与我联系:sandiaromero03@gmail.com。
I am an Early Childhood Educator and have been teaching and educating various children of many different ages, such as K-12. I also have experience teaching within families for almost 19 years. My subjects include ELA, Math, Creative Arts, Creative Writing, Social Skills, and Gross Motor Skills. In addition to my work in schools, I am a private tutor, often working within homes. This year, I taught summer school for two months and instructed students from grades K through 5. I also collaborated with another teacher to implement different math techniques. A challenge I embraced this year was theater drama. Many students across all grades thoroughly enjoyed performing, drawing, and acting out the characters they chose. I hold a BA in Spanish with a minor in Early Childhood Education. Currently, I am teaching in an after-school program at Aurora Genesis. You can reach me by email at sandiaromero03@gmail.com.
Tutor 导师

Eric Konviser
你好! 我叫 Eric Konviser,是一名游泳教练。 在过去的四年里,我一直在教授游泳课程,在各个年龄段都有丰富的经验。 在某些情况下,我是一名竞技游泳运动员,为我上大学的坦帕湾水上俱乐部游泳。 我成为一名竞技游泳运动员已经超过 12 年了。
Hi! My name is Eric Konviser, I am a swimming instructor. I have been teaching swimming lessons for the past four years with lots of experience amongst all age groups. For some context I'm a competitive swimmer, swimming for the Tampa Bay Aquatic Club right where I go to college. I have been a competitive swimmer for over 12 years.
Swim Coach 游泳教练

Charlie Cusumano
我叫查理·库苏马诺,今年 20 岁。 我从 4 岁(16 岁)开始就开始游泳。我 4 岁开始在乡村果岭游泳队游泳。10 岁时,我开始为俱乐部队 Trident Aquatic Club 游泳。 现在我为史坦顿群岛学院游泳队游泳并创下多项纪录。 我已经上游泳课四年了,我是村果岭游泳队的主教练。
My name is Charlie Cusumano I am 20 years old. I have been swimming since I was 4 years old (16 years) I started swimming on the village greens swim team when I was 4. At 10 years old I started swimming for the club team, Trident Aquatic Club. Now I swim for the college of Staten islands swimming team with multiple records. I have been doing swim lessons for 4 years now and I am the head coach of the village greens swim team.
Swim Coach 游泳教练
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